Build Habits Like a Pro: A College Student’s Guide to Success

September 4, 2024

College life is a whirlwind of classes, new friends, late-night study sessions, and, let's be honest, the occasional Netflix binge. With so much going on, it's easy to let things slide and fall into the trap of procrastination. But fear not! Building good habits now can set you up for success in college and beyond. Here are some fun and easy tips to get you started on your journey to becoming a habit-building master!

1. Rise and Shine with a Morning Routine!

First things first, nail that morning routine! Starting your day on the right foot sets the tone for everything that follows. You don’t have to go all-in with a 5 A.M. wake-up call and an intense workout (unless that’s your jam). Find what works for you, whether it’s a quick stretch, a healthy breakfast, or simply making your bed. The key is consistency. Having a morning routine can help kickstart your day with a sense of accomplishment.

Pro Tip: Try setting an alarm with a song that pumps you up! Nothing like a little Taylor Swift or BTS to get you moving in the morning.

2. Set Small, Achievable Goals

Let’s be real, taking over the world in one day is a bit much. Instead, break your goals into small, manageable steps. Want to ace that exam? Break it down: review your notes for 15 minutes each day, join a study group or tackle a few practice questions. By setting smaller goals, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed and more likely to stay on track.

Pro Tip: Use a planner or a digital app to keep track of your goals and check them off as you go. There’s no better feeling than crossing things off your to-do list!

3. Find Your Study Groove

Finding your ideal study environment can make a world of difference. Are you a library person who loves the quiet, or do you thrive in the hustle and bustle of a coffee shop? Experiment with different settings to find out where you focus best. And don’t forget to mix it up — change of scenery can boost creativity and prevent burnout!

Pro Tip: Try the Pomodoro Technique: study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle a few times, and then reward yourself with a longer break. It’s a great way to stay focused and keep your energy up.

4. Stay Active and Energized

We know, we know, exercise is probably the last thing on your mind when you have a paper due tomorrow. But staying active is key to keeping your mind sharp and your energy levels high. You don’t need to run a marathon; even a 10-minute walk between classes can do wonders. Plus, it’s a great way to clear your head and get some fresh air.

Pro Tip: Find a workout buddy! It’s way more fun to hit the gym or go for a run with a friend, and you can keep each other accountable.

5. Fuel Your Body and Mind

You are what you eat, and if you’re constantly reaching for the pizza and energy drinks, you’re not doing your brain any favors. Make sure you’re fueling your body with nutritious foods that help you stay focused and alert. Snacks like beef jerky, nuts, fruits and yogurt are great for keeping your energy up without the sugar crash.

Pro Tip: Prep your snacks and meals ahead of time. It’s easier to make healthy choices when you’ve got something ready to grab and go.

6. Embrace the Power of “No”

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is real, but sometimes you’ve just got to say “no” to that late-night party or extra Netflix episode. It’s okay to prioritize your needs and set boundaries that help you stay on track with your goals.

Pro Tip: When you need to focus, try turning off your phone notifications or putting your phone in another room. Out of sight, out of mind!

7. Make Time for You

Building good habits isn’t just about work and no play. Make sure you’re carving out time for things that make you happy, whether it’s reading a book, practicing a hobby, or just chilling with friends. Self-care is just as important as hitting the books.

Pro Tip: Schedule “me time” into your calendar just like you would a class or a study session. It’s all about balance!

8. Reflect and Adjust

Building habits is an ongoing process, and it’s okay to tweak things as you go. At the end of each week, take a few minutes to reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Maybe you’re more productive in the afternoon than in the morning, or maybe group study sessions are more distracting than helpful. Adjust your routine to fit your needs.

Pro Tip: Keep a habit journal to track your progress and jot down any changes you want to make. It’s a great way to stay motivated and see how far you’ve come.

Building good habits in college isn’t about being perfect — it’s about finding what works for you and sticking with it. Remember, the habits you build today will shape the person you become tomorrow. So, why not start now? You’ve got this!